Monday, January 18, 2016

One Way to Have a Serving Party

Step 1:
Pick an organization to serve with. (Open Door Mission)

Step 2:
Pick a project to help with. (providing Christmas boxes filled with hygiene items and winter accessories)

Step 3:
Meet at a group member's house and start filling boxes with whatever was brought in (while eating snacks).
Step 4:
Take your children and go shopping for the rest of the needed supplies (split up into teams to divide and conquer).

Step 5:
Have your packing guru get everything organized.

Step 6:
Wrap the shoe boxes.

Step 7:
Label the boxes to be dropped off at Open Door Mission.

Step 8:
Eat cake! (celebrating a group member's birthday)

1 comment:

  1. Seems like a wonderful idea. Will love to be there for next year’s event. I attended another blogger’s meet up at local event venues in Houston. Was a wonderful experience to meet new people and loved the event.
