Monday, April 13, 2015

Steps to Start Serving

Northridge Serves wants to make it as easy as possible for you and your community group to start serving "the least of these" in and around Rochester. Here's a quick step-by-step guide for groups to get started.

  1. Designate a service coordinator: It's likely that someone in your community group has experience serving, or has a strong passion to serve.
  2. Look at Browse through our partner organizations and opportunities to get involved. These are organizations that Northridge has vetted, so you don't have to wonder if they're legitimate.
  3. Talk to your Campus Coordinator: The Northridge Serves Team has coordinators at each campus to help you connect with an opportunity to serve. They are familiar with our partners and relevant opportunities, to help you find the perfect fit for your group. Email us...we'll be sure your message gets to the right place.
    1. Irondequoit: Joel Witwer, Matt & Belinda Sones
    2. Greece: Joel & Carina Sawyer
    3. Webster: Debbie Hall
  4. Seek Group Input: If you're not sure which opportunity would be best, enact democracy. Bring a few options to your group, and let them weigh in.
  5. Decide: Sometimes this is the hardest part. Make the final decision.
  6. Let us know:
    1. Give us a heads up that you're planning to serve.
    2. After you've served, tell us how it went. We're always looking for feedback to improve our relationships with our service partners.
    3. With permission, take pictures while you're serving, and share them!

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