Friday, June 14, 2013

Meet Nicole

Her referral was marked urgent from a local pregnancy center, followed by an immediate phone call of concern from the local nurses. She was past seven months pregnant and had yet been to a pre-natal appointment. Within the first week of referral there were a lot of Social Workers involved with Nicole’s case. I began to worry that no one would ever get the ‘truth’ from this precious 12-year old when I heard God say specifically, “just befriend her”. I had never met such a quiet 12 year old. It is easy to see Nicole was scared throughout the process of becoming a new mom so unexpectedly but she spoke of it little. One of my best times with her was at a Christian concert where she told me she had never heard of ‘Jesus’ before. As the fall began, we offered Nicole services such as shopping in the baby boutique for necessary items, attending weekly cooking classes, a mentor she meets with bi-weekly and a case manager who is sharing their loving relationship though a balance of fun and case management work. With all of these services Nicole has received she has been much more trusting, outgoing, and dedicated to the program. She recently signed up to be part of her Bible Study after she mentioned her Mentor seemed to know a lot about God and she figured it would be a good idea. We are very hopeful that we can watch Nicole grow as both a woman and mother of God as she builds a relationship with us.

~Shared by Kerri of YFC
Want to help youth like Nicole?  Contact Kerri at

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